judge in the same way as the people a book by its cover, we also judge often a building after its facade. The facade of the building is the first thing you see before you enter a building, and in many cases it is the last when leaving.
modern facade design and the type of facade, choosing an architect, plays a major role in the overall appearance of the building
Modern facades of glass
glass facades are usually seen in commercial buildings but win in more modern houses in popularity. Let natural light and heat through, but also cold air, especially if not properly seal
Modern façade design and glass curtain wall
In modern architecture, glass curtain walls are typically a thin wall of glass, metal or stone, framed with aluminum, which is mounted on the external structure of a building. The curtain wall wearing only their own weight, not the load from the roof or floor of the building. It is used for protection against air and water and to reduce wind and seismic activity. Connected to the floors or columns of the building, transmits a curtain wall horizontal loads to hold the structure stable
breathtaking view
As the glass curtain wall does not bear the load of the building, it is similar to a decorative trim on the outside. The architects opt for glass facades on houses or buildings to take advantage of the picturesque views. Natural light in the interior or a modern look
. Purist atmosphere
white minimalist furnishings
modern architecture of glass and wood
beautiful views surround
wall tiles with stone effect
Ocean views and sunlight
glass facade with film
vegetated walls
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