Friday, November 13, 2015

rockery Create hillside Plant purple-Blooming-bodendecker

rockeries are Attractive eye-catcher in the atrium or in the Garden. Who create a rock garden want and the matching plants studied, is right here. For this you need first stones of different sizes, shapes, colors (granite, limestone, basalt - sometimes in combination with gravel) or rocks the same type and shape for a quiet and optically balanced effect
Whether round, oval or. Rectangular - the design concept and the individual taste is decisive

rockery invest - arrangement of stones

rockery create spiral-saulenbrunnen Gravel Echeveria-bodendecker


Here we would like practical provide tips on how to create an attractive rock garden can. There are more playful designs possible - in Asian, Mediterranean, country-house style. The more space available, the better. Accumulations of small stones should be avoided for reasons of appearance on a larger area. Symmetrical designs are also not highly recommended because of the rock garden does not look natural

Create rockery - the right location, see



When rockery Create are your imagination has no limits. Only after you have the stones Law, the planting of the series comes after. Some plant species require relatively little maintenance. The site is of great importance! Some Steingartenpflanuen like direct sunlight, others thrive in shaded places. Moisture shady places are not recommended due to moss. The joints between the stones can be planted with low shrubs. For a flowering of flowers in the courtyard a southwestern location is perfect. So that rain water can run off, a sunny southern slope is equally well suited

. A little piece of nature in the yard bring

Stone Garden Creating Sliver Floor-stone-border

for the flat ground should be based on a stable macadam foundation (drained soil) are respected. Avoid waterlogging! The best time to rockery Create is from March to August. There are anlegegt mainly alpine plants. For an attractive appearance can combine smaller and larger plants! Classic rock garden plants are herbs, edelweiss, blue pillow, lavender, thyme, dwarf bellflowers, onion plants, perennials and subshrubs. Larger dominant plants with flowers in bright colors leave nothing to be desired garden. Woody plants such as wire wine, meaning herb, low bells Hasel, Gänsekresse, Gromwell bring a piece of nature in the urban garden

rock garden plants

Stone Garden Mooring Echeveria bollards

perfect for a rock garden are also low grasses suitable. Slowly vigorous conifers are a real asset. Low balsam fir, spruce or nest dwarf pine form a harmonious whole year green oasis. Certainly the rock garden should look slightly wild! For a personal touch in the rock garden, you can add suitable decoration - figurines, fountains, water features, solar lamps. An integrated pond is harmonious and emphasizes the naturalness

 Stone Garden Creating Sliver Delosperma

Stone Garden Create-terraced-location-bodendecker-funkia

Stone Garden mooring bed enclosure-stone

Stone Garden Mooring bodendecker-baerenfellgras

Stone Garden Mooring bodendecker splitter layer

Stone Garden Mooring boxwood balls-gravel layer

Stone Garden Mooring eonymus-Thuja bodendecker-Grasses

Stone Garden Creating Rock rocks Sliver luechenfueller

Stone Garden Create-yellow-irises-purple-blooming perennials

Stone Garden Mooring rocks plants signs

 Stone Garden Create-rocks-shaded corner

Stone Garden Creating Evergreen-trees-mulch-terraces

Stone Garden Creating Cacti-Succulent dry loving plants

Stone Garden Create Gravel layer bodendecker Stones

Stone Garden Creating Small Pond Hill rocks

Stone Garden Mooring mulching bodendecker Evergreen-trees

Stone Garden Creating Plant ground cover ornamental grasses

Stone Garden Creating Plant terraced location

Stone Garden Creating cross-laid-stone

Stone Garden Mooring ornamental grasses White Sliver border

Large stones for the garden - a real head turner

natural design-stones in the garden Water

design of stones of different shapes and sizes

 design Garden Ideas plant species stones

rock garden as a retaining wall

rock garden plants Arabis caucasica-Vertical greening

Blooming low plants - Echincea Purpurea

rock garden plants Echincea purpurea bloom pink

rock garden on a slope

Rock Garden Planting tips modern garden design

gravel subsoil

 stone garden gravel plants

Green shrubs

 stone water gardening-invest advisor

waterfall - natural garden design

 arrangement stones-plants garden decoration

planting the rock garden

 rock garden plants applying Tips Guides

Geheweg stone edit

Yellow flowers stones garden figures plants

Custom Landscaping

 Garden stones Waterfall create design idea

water pond Create

rockery Wasserteich- application tips

Colorful plants decorate the stone garden wall

drywall in the garden build plant joint-fill

Garden planning landscape design rockery

Stone Garden Tips for creating green lawn create

 rock garden hillside Create lavender flowers

 Alpine plants rock garden Low growing

rock garden ground fast growing plants

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